A quale personaggio di Atlantis assomiglio…

Which Stargate Atlantis character are you most like?

Your Result: Col. John Sheppard

Spunky, witty, brave, and surprisingly intelligent–these are all adjectives that describe John Sheppard. By being simmilar in personality to him, it means that you can do pretty much anything you set your mind to. You love adventure, and you know how to make people laugh.

Dr. Rodney McKay
Dr. Radek Zelenka
Dr. Carson Beckett
Dr. Elizabeth Weir
Teyla Emmagen
Ronan Dex
Which Stargate Atlantis character are you most like?
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Certo, oltre al carattere (onorato del paragone!) non mi dispiacerebbe avere il gene ATA e la tecnologia con cui sfruttarlo… ;)